Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Avon Sale Catalog 5 ~ Wash-Off Waterproof Mascara 4.99

avon wash off mascara catalog 4

Item# 230-559
Rated 4.6 stars with 755 reviews
Find great buys on Makeup in Avon Online Catalog

Avon Catalog 5 Wash-Off Waterproof Mascara Sale Price $4.99

Available in Black only. 

The Wash-Off Waterproof Mascara is sale priced at $4.99 in Avon Campaign 4 Brochure. This Mascara wears beautifully all day. Streak-free mascara that will weather the weepiest of movies. Washes away with soap and water. 

Some reviews taken from web store during Avon Brochure 4
I used this mascara forever. Then Avon came out with another waterproof mascara that lengthens, builds, and all that stuff. Well, not for my eyelashes. They rebelled and I went back to the wash-off water proof mascara (in black) and haven't looked back. My eyelashes have quit rebelling and my eyes look FABULOUS! I wear contact lenses, and there's not a problem at all. :)

I have been using this mascara for years. I won't wear anything else. I live at the beach so this is great to wear while in the water and doesn't come off til i wash it off.

Shop Avon Campaign Catalog 5 Online Through 2-14-2016

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